Next was figuring out how much material was needed. Doing a quick google search gives standard dimensions to guesstimate from.
I waited till black Friday to go to Jo-Ann Fabrics to get Flannel on sale $1.29 compared to regular $5.49 a yard. I bought 17 yards but only needed 15. WOOHOO, so far under $20.
Fitted Sheet.
1. Measure your mattress. Mine is a Full, so 54" wide x75" high x8" deep. I added 10" on both the width and hight to give enough for the depth of the mattress and hemming. (a little bit of guess work) Total Size 72"x96". Lay and cut out material. If material is not wide enough, sew pieces together.

2. Cut out corners and sew the edges. On all four corners measure a square the depth of your mattress, cut the square out. Put the two edges just cut (from each square) together and sew. This will start to give you the fitted box shape.

3. Hem edges. Fold 1/4" then again 1/4", sew.
4. Add elastic. Some tutorials I found suggested only 10" on each side of your sewn corner, however I ended up using about 20" on each side.... I'm not a still sleeper. Mark where you would like to start and stop your elastic along the hemed line. Sew a low to medium grade of elastic (let me know if you want the stuff I used, I have extra). Pull elastic tight while sewing.
5. Put new fitted sheet on mattress and roll around in the glory of your creativity!
Flat Sheet.
1. Get approximate sizes of sheets from the above link, include seem and hem allowances. Lay out and cut material. If material is not wide enough, sew pieces together.
2. Hem raw edges. Fold 1/4" then again 1/4", sew. (you can be more decorative with wider hems or decorative stitches)
3. Enjoy your new flat sheet!
Pillow Shams.
1. Measure your pillows or old pillow shams, include seem and hem allowances. Lay out and cut material.
2. Sew 2 long and 1 short sides, faces of material together.
3. Hem 2nd short side. Fold 1/4" then again 1/4", sew.
4. Flip right side out, push out corners. Put pillow in and rest your head on knowing you are a
Unfortunately I was not able to include pictures tonight... I will have those up tomorrow... and do a run through of my instructions. Until then, I hope this was somewhat helpful and encouraging.
Sweet dreams.