Dear Micah, please forgive me for being a mess when I'm sick. Now I am not saying this to get sympathy, really, I am curious to see if I'm the only one who is like this. When I get sick or exhausted for that matter I become extremely frustrated that people cannot read my mind (in the moment my "subtleties"). Does anyone else experience this or is it just me?
On to things that do not bother me, such as things that make me happy.

The material I found is called Shell, it's dupioni silk. Oh so excited, a little nervous to start cutting, but I think it will work with my skin tone a lot better than anything with a yellow tone. Thank you
good prices, good quality.

So that's what I'll be working on for the next month. I need to have it done before the end of April, so that means going in early to work and staying late. I am so excited to get this project started and finished.
Instead of working on a fun project I now get to study for an exam, and finish some homework, I'm so glad I decided to take a full class load this semester, oh so glad.